(A Halo Themed scenario paintball event.) 

     Coming to OXCC at the end of April will be the next installment of the Halo Series produced by Firefly13 Paintball Production and Consulting. (Rob "Firefly" Rivera, Game Producer, and founder of the Project M80 scenario paintball team.) The UNSC and Covenant will Clash once again but this time at a new facility. 
     After experiencing some success in the past 3 years at EMR, it is now time to continue the story at OXCC in Maryland. The game will pick up where the last one ended continuing the story of the beloved video game series. This year's game will pit last year's winner, UNSC Commander: Bishop Saint of The Select Few against Covenant commander: Joe "Big Mac" Courter of Reckless Endangerment. While those two battle it out they will also have to deal with The Flood. 
     The event's "3rd faction" entity and antagonist, and will be commanded by the Sloppy Dawgz paintball team. The game will bring back loved mechanics such as the drop ship and the juggernaut spartan/hunter. Meanwhile, new mechanics are being introduced that will surely change the battle lines, and add new dimensions to the gameplay. 
     There will be fully motorized tanks rolling through the field every hour, and only "Anti Tank" (Launcher) players can stop them. This game will bring fun for all players with a mix of hardpoints, scavenging for props, and missions of retrieving or delivering equipment/props to designated locations on the field. Each side will have a hero playing alongside them: The Arbiter (Sandman of Valor) and Master Chief (Tedd E. Bear of East Coast Hunters).  Each hero will have some special abilities and missions involving them, so stay with them if you're looking to be involve in the action.. 
     Off the field, in the evening will be a celebration of our beloved paintball community with some special events including DJ Dad Bod hosting a Cornhole tournament, NEPA Gelly ball,  and a dueling arena for the kids and families.
     Firefly, his production crew, and his event hosts are excited to bring this event to such a beautiful and well-groomed field, and we hope to see you there on April 25, 26,& 27th weekend, 2025 at Outdoor Xtreme Chesapeake City, in Maryland.

  • You will be added to the team that has fewer players signed up.

If you are unable to attend an event that you pre-registered for, please let us know so we can apply your purchase minus taxes and fees as a credit to either Outdoor Xtreme location: Chesapeake City, MD, Linglestown, PA, or Hatfield, PA. Credit can be used for other events, walk-on play or pro shop purchases. Players that do not show up the day of the event and have not contacted us in advance will forfeit their deposit. Purchases are non-refundable.

This is a field paint/first strike event only. All paintballs/first strike used at this event is specific to this event. Paint from previous events is not allowed. Anyone caught with paintballs/first strike that is not for this event will be asked to leave without refund. No exceptions, no warnings!

For any questions, please contact us at 410-885-5555.

Rental Equipment

  • Full Rental Equipment Set Up

    Full Rental Equipment Set Up

    Rentals include a Planet Eclipse Emek, goggle, and a pod pack for both days of the event.

    $29.00 ea.

Select Your Ammunition

  • Event Paint -Prestige

    Event Paint -Prestige

    EVENT PAINT ONLY. Day of paint pricing is $65/case.

    $60.00 ea.

  • First Strike  (150 rds.)

    First Strike (150 rds.)

    EVENT PAINT ONLY. Day of pricing is $75.

    $65.00 ea. [84 remaining]

  • EG Smoke Grenade

    EG Smoke Grenade

    You must be 18 years or older to purchase/use EG products.

    $12.00 ea.

Suit Up!

  • Armbands


    Hate being taped up? Buy a reusable armband.

Got a Long Drive? Camp Over!

  • Rustic Camp Site

    Rustic Camp Site

    No electric hookups. The cost is per site.

    $20.00 ea.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RedPodium Sports Event Management System